Sunday, April 16, 2017

And There Will Be War.....

I have no doubt there will be an invasion of North Korea. This conflict we'll be quick and decisive and with China's blessings. Remember if North Korea falls it will need to be rebuilt. The economic benefits born out of war will serve all free markets including Communist Capitalist China. This action will also serve as a warning to Russia's Vladimir Putin.
However the most important thing is someone needs to free the entire country of starving people who don't have much time left anyway. With a maniacal leader who watches them suffer, starve and kills many of his people. In short he is mad! A madman who has mislead a nation of people.  He has brainwashed and driven them as mad as he. The longer the world waits the more chance he has of becoming a mass murderer killing millions of people.
 So will the world sit through another, genocide?  I pray not and so should you!

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