Sunday, April 16, 2017

And There Will Be War.....

I have no doubt there will be an invasion of North Korea. This conflict we'll be quick and decisive and with China's blessings. Remember if North Korea falls it will need to be rebuilt. The economic benefits born out of war will serve all free markets including Communist Capitalist China. This action will also serve as a warning to Russia's Vladimir Putin.
However the most important thing is someone needs to free the entire country of starving people who don't have much time left anyway. With a maniacal leader who watches them suffer, starve and kills many of his people. In short he is mad! A madman who has mislead a nation of people.  He has brainwashed and driven them as mad as he. The longer the world waits the more chance he has of becoming a mass murderer killing millions of people.
 So will the world sit through another, genocide?  I pray not and so should you!

A Revelation of Times

             I fear the human race has drifted into a severe secular divide. Not one of religion between himself and his fellow man but between him and his creator. This divide has given birth to what Biblical Scholars call the Antichrist. However they see the Antichrist in a much different way then I. You see man himself continues to condemn his fellow man through the use of power,influence and money to corrupt the very laws that were set up to make men equal and free. These Antichrists have build their fellowship putting men, women and children into a living hell to work and live. The expect the people to stay enslaved in a system that profits from their misery.
      In most cases they feel its not them that are responsible as they feel removed and forget what deeds they have done. This is the art of their deceitfulness and they use it well. 
      Just look back at the trail of tears they have caused. Just look around at what they have done in the recent past. They have succeeded in growing hell big enough to house millions around the world and at every social and economic level.    
      These Antichrists, antisocial groups have grown in numbers and into a unconscious collective which have gained control independently of each other but much in the same way. They have done this by using their power and influence to corrupt people, democracies and themselves through greed. One tool has been capitalism itself which has been separated from democracy due to this corruption. The rich and powerful using their money and access to political parties have shaped legislation in their favor at every turn. I truly fear we the people of nations may not survive the next fifteen years. 
     What has happened is no different than if all the waters of the world were poisoned by a group of lunatics? Only the water in this scenario is the economic systems of the world.  Whether it is the financial system or the highest courts in a government if you corrupt those people in charge it can be devastating.  They were put in power to serve and protect the people, corrupted they easily kill hundreds of people and never pay for the crime.
     In many cases the crime committed is never discovered or called a crime at all. Just as there is a course of miracles in healing someone so is there is course of crimes that kills and manes.    
    Lets say a FDA drug reviewer turns a blind eye which allows a drug or vaccine to go to the public which causes many deaths. It some cases it goes undiscovered for a long period of time or never get discovered. Today’s drug companies are the biggest serial killers on the planet in my book. Just look at the statistics. So in the end the FDA Drug reviewer goes on to work for the same drug company as a payoff. Give me one name of one inspector who has been jailed for their breach of trust!  
   This sudden social evolutionary change in the governance of humanity affects us all at all social levels but mostly at lower and middle income levels.   We already see this wave sweeping the Middle East especially in Syria, Egypt and moving outward to other nations.  The social order and the average person's ability to survive day to day becomes increasingly difficult driving people to the streets to protest and then fight for their survival. As someone recently said; "This is a revolution of hunger". A revolution of jobs! People need to earn a living and survive. Working just for the price of food is not enough.
   Unfortunately for humankind there will be no saving grace that can reset the social and economic order except useless violence. And as we can see today this process is well underway with a world of wars erupting nation by nation both social and economic in nature. The squeeze is on the middle, lower and poor classes of the world putting them into a survival mode for basic needs and services. With Robots going online taking more jobs away from these people this should be the straw that broke the camel’s back.
   So Pray for our leaders that finally hear the voice of their electorate! Pray that God hears and answers these prayers for all our sakes and for the sake of our children, all children of the world.